Are you on a cash discount program or a surcharge program from your company and paying a monthly fee to be in said program? If you are paying more than $25 a month, your company is taking advantage of you!
Your company is literally making 2 to 3 times more money off of your account by putting you in the cash discount program. Then they have the audacity to charge you a high monthly fee!
You can do the math yourself. Take a statement out before you switched to cash discount/ surcharge program. Take the amount you paid in processing fees divided by the amount of sales/volume. This will average (if your company was halfway decent) somewhere between 2.5%-3%. And now your company is charging your clients 3.99% + a program fee of $50, $100, $200?!!!! Hand over fist money + sticking it to you on the other side!
On top of all that, the reporting is hard to keep up with. Your company wants to take daily deductions from your account for the fees. The accounting is a nightmare and never to the penny!
JadaPay does cash discount the right way. Through our Take Charge program, you will get:
… you will never see the fees hit your account only the money you are owed
You will get a free standard terminal for life of business
If you process under $10k a month you will pay $25 to be in the program.
If you process over $10k a month you will pay NOTHING.
Quit letting your company take advantage of you and your business!