Happy, Healthy and Whole. Experience a Class with Hot Yoga of East Nashville.
Hot yoga is a vigorous form of yoga performed in a very warm and humid studio. It’s a great w...
Hot yoga is a vigorous form of yoga performed in a very warm and humid studio. It’s a great w...
Our journey to better health takes many paths. The hardest part is taking that first step. The seco...
We love promoting good health and Yoga. One of our favorite places is Shakti Power Yoga. The schedu...
We all need to make the best of our week. Working hard to make it to the weekend is not enough. We ...
Finally, somewhere you can take care of you and spend time with your children. The good people of B...
Time to get that Good Sweat that Only Shakti Power Yoga Can Give! Find A Class This Week: ht...
Time to get that Good Sweat that Only Shakti Power Yoga Can Give! Find A Class This Week: http:/...
Join a herd of runners at Zoo Run Run! This winter race takes runners and walkers on a 5K adventure...
We recently discovered Blooma Nashville. I know, how did we not know. We’re always hearing about ...
It’s time to get in the swing of things. Back on our path to better health, better life and h...